About Me

Hi there, I'm Rohini, and I'm thrilled to have you here!With a deep passion for learning and problem-solving, I love exploring everything from music and coding to travel and food.I firmly believe that anything worthwhile takes time and strive to approach each day with gratitude, kindness, and curiosity~


Growing up, my life revolved around dance, music, and studies. In 2016, at 18, I decided to try something new by volunteering in my community. Through the events and activities I organized, I gained invaluable experiences, and I now strive to live a life dedicated to contributing and giving back to society in any way I can.

Carnatic Flute

My journey in Indian arts began by mimicking my sister's dance movements, leading me to start Bharatanatyam at age 6 under Kumari Lakshmi Krishan, followed by Carnatic vocal lessons at age 8. In school, I expanded my musical education through the Western Band, playing trumpet, cornet, and flugelhorn, which eventually led me to study the flute with Sridhar Sir in 2008.

Kalai Yaathirai - A production by Vasantham, a local media channel in Singapore. An opportunity where I met and interacted with flute exponent Flute J.A. Jayant and female flutist Shanthala Subramaniyam

Chinese Melodies on Indian Instruments - Kalaa Utsavam 2017

Youth Ensemble - Kalaa Utsavam 2019

Song: Jaga Janani
Ragam: Rathipathipriya
Composed By: Ghanam Krishna Aiyyar
Taalam: Adhi

Song: Sara Sara Samara
Ragam: Kuntalavarali
Composed By: Sri Tyagaraja Swami
Taalam: Adhi
Performed at Guruvayur Shri Krishna Temple

Song: Bho Shambo
Ragam: Revathi
Composed By: Dayaananda Saraswati
Taalam: Adhi
Performed in Palakkad

Song: Azhagan Pazhalani Malai Andava
Ragam: Brindavana Saranga
Accompanied on the flute

Isle Of Wight, England

Mar 28 - Mar 31 2024
A picturesque island off the south coast of England, known for its stunning coastline, rich history, and vibrant cultural scene. A 4 day, 3 night trip with my family!